Reka Basu is in a journalistic quandary. She writes: "Replacing the old image of a press that comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable is one of screaming matches between overly comfortable news commentators, who are either too cozy with people in power, or inflict pain indiscriminately for ratings, sales or some other agenda.” Have journalists brought this upon themselves?
I saw where they fired 4 additional ppl that were involved with the Bush National Guard service... The commentator had to step down from his job. The fact is that Bush did NOT fulfill his national guard service, he ducked it.. but when they did the boat ppl show on television about Kerry saying that he did not deserve any of his medals, which later proved to be false none of them were even chastized. Is the media such big whores that they only print or approve what the great Bush wants? I don't read newspapers anymore,, they are mostly all liars and promote whatever Bush wants no matter how badly it hurts America.. and Americans.
i think it's ridiculous,though typical,that people point to this as a "liberal media"event.If it were,why did people lose their jobs?The facts in the story were true,yet the people lost their jobs.Now,let's look at other stories by this supposed"liberal media".There's the swift boat veterans for"truth",who turned out to be liars.Did anyone lose their jobs over that?How about troopergate,which turned out to be a pack of lies?No? Whitewater?Paula Jones?Kathleen Willey?etc,etc,etc.No jobs lost?only promotions you say?How can this be true of a "liberal media"? You get my point...
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