Talon News correspondent at the
center of a scandal over his White House press credentials quit Tuesday night amid a growing online investigation into his history, including allegations of involvement with several websites appearing to support gay pornography and promote male prostitution. Now he's biting back, calling those who dug up personal details about his past,
haters of free speech. Did the blogger horde cross the line on this?
Jeff Gannon (a pseudonym) announced on Tuesday night
via his personal website that he had found it "no longer possible to effectively be a reporter for Talon News. In consideration of the welfare of me and my family I have decided to return to private life."
It's this "private life" that may have precipitated Gannon's departure. In the last ten days, Investigative bloggers at
World O'Crap,
Daily Kos and
Eschaton have dug up evidence that
implicates Gannon as the owner of web domains,, and, which are registered under the same owner as Gannon's home page Two of the three web addresses are no longer active. The third,, requires registration before viewing the content. It now appears that the person registered as the individual owner of these domains,
James Dale Guckert of Wilmington, DE, and Jeff Gannon are one in the same.
One hour prior to his resignation, MediaCitizen sent an interview request to the would be correspondent. As part of the request, I outlined a series of questions regarding Gannon's background in journalism, his relationship to members of the White House staff, to Talon News' parent company GOPUSA, as well as to the Wilmington company, Bedrock Corporation, which is the registered owner of the websites in question. Gannon resigned within an hour of receiving
these questions. This was MediaCitizen's second request for an interview as a follow up to our
earlier report.Gannon's decision to leave Talon News may be related to the news site's
frequent stance on issues pertaining to gay rights, marriage and adoption. A
recently discovered photo, allegedly depicting the former correspondent, suggests a conflict between his lifestyle and the homophobic beliefs of many of his colleagues at the conservative news site. For their part, Talon News yanked Gannon's bio from their website nearly two weeks ago -- after many bloggers began to scrutinize the news service. (Here's
the cached bio). While blog investigators at Daily Kos claim that the image in question depicts Gannon, this has yet to be confirmed.
We needn't take the issue of Gannon/Guckert's personal life any further. This is not a story about sexual orientation but about the viability of our Fourth Estate in the face of increasing efforts to
disguise propaganda as straight news. By willfully serving as the White House shill --
lobbing softball questions to Press Secretary McClellan and President Bush and lifting, wholesale, sections of
administration and GOP press releases to present them as "news" -- Gannon rightly came under harsh scrutiny.
His decision to leave Talon News was his own, but it was aided along by a well mobilized blogosphere, intent on shedding more light on this man's duplicitous role as a White House correspondent.
= = = = =
3:00pm Update: It's become clear that
Gannon's real name is James D. Guckert, which raises
another question: How does someone operating under a pseudonym gain such close access to the President of the United States? The Congressional Press Galleries, White House Press Office and, perhaps, the Secrete Service do background checks on all credentialed and "day pass" journalists. Somewhere along the line someone inside the White House knew Gannon wasn't Gannon, but they gave him a waiver anyway. Were special favors granted to Gannon that wouldn't have been granted to a real journalist? Congresswoman Louise Slaughter
has written the President to learn more. Gannon's was
denied credentials to cover Capitol Hill after the
Standing Committee of Correspondents raised questions about Talon News' editorial independence. Questions Gannon/Guckert would not answer.
= = = = =
3:30pm Update: Once again,
Talon News has "scrubbed" its site. Apparently, we were sending too many people to their homophobic reporting (stories linked to in the fifth paragraph above). They have removed the stories in question along with most other material describing their relationship with Gannon save
a brief explanantion of his resignation. Thankfully, one of Mediacitizen's readers alerted me to the scrubbing and pointed me to an archive where they may now be read. I have re-inserted these new links above. Note: There's a
job opening at Talon.
= = = = =
8:00pm Update: NPR's "All things Considered" has broadcast an interview with Gannon that also features some comments on the matter from me. They've
posted the segment on their website. There, you also can listen to the complete, unedited interview with Gannon -- very strange -- or
read the transcript here. More than anything, he comes across as someone way out of his depth. I also understand that the ever thorough Eric Boehlert of is planning a story on this for tomorrow which looks into the White House process for credentials. Update:
here it is.
= = = = =
6:00am, Feb 10 Update: Wilmington News Journal's Jennifer Brooks
landed a post resignation interview with Jeff Gannon-cum-James Guckert, who complains that he's the victim of a witch hunt by free-speech haters like MediaCitizen. "I asked a question at a White House press briefing and this is what happened to me," Guckert told The News Journal. "If this is what happens to me, what reporter is safe?" I doubt any real reporters lost sleep last night thinking they could become the next Guckert. However, those, who hide their true identities and political agendas behind Washington press passes, have reason to worry. Ousting phony journalist has become the new bloodsport of the blogosphere.
= = = = =
6:45am, Feb 10 Update: Former aides to ex-Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle were among those cheering Gannon/Guckert’s abrupt resignation,
according to political watchers at The Raw Story. Gannon wrote extensive diatribes against the South Dakota Senate race. Former Daschle aides claim that the writer was essentially “carrying water” for Sen. John Thune’s successful campaign. “He and Thune’s campaign worked hand in hand,” said one former Daschle aide. “This guy became a dumping ground for opposition research.”
= = = = =
5:55pm, Feb 10 Update: A source close to the
Standing Committee of Correspondents, the press body that oversees the distribution of credentials on Capitol Hill, sent me
documents pertaining to Jeff Gannon's application and ultimate rejection in 2004. This sheds some light on the process and explains why Gannon/Guckert used "day passes" to
report from the White House for two years.
= = = = =
6:28am, Feb 11 Update: The right-wing message machine has shifted into overdrive in its efforts to spin the Gannon/Guckert scandal as a story about the "liberal media" ganging up to stifle the free speech of someone who doesn't share their view. Witness the
carefully chorographed back and forth among conservo-pundits on last night's "Special Report" with Brit Hume. The right's master narrative is in play here, as mouthed by
Bill Sammon: "Jeff asked openly conservative-leaning questions. What it comes down to is this rankled the White House press corps because most of them are liberal and ask questions from a liberal perspective." These pundits seem to think that repeating "liberal media" a million times over will somehow make it true.
= = = = =
5:40am, Feb 12 Update: The Wilmington News Journal this morning reveals that the man from Talon has
waded even deeper into shark-infested waters: "James D. Guckert, who reported under the pseudonym Jeff Gannon, failed to pay Delaware more than $20,700 in personal state income tax from 1991 through 1994." According to documents filed in Superior Court in Wilmington, Guckert owes $9,484 in taxes; $7,697.69 in fines and $3,560.71 in interest. This goes to questions of credibility. Since the fiasco broke Gannon/Guckert has made several unsubstantiated claims to defend his honor. Rather than providing evidence to back them up, Gannon/Guckert has asked the American public
to take him on his word. That's asking a lot.
= = = = =
9:00pm, Feb 14 Update: It gets
a whole lot seedier . . . Frankly, I believe his whoring at the White House was a crime worse by many degrees.